Imre Nagi

Unleash custom authentication with Google Identity Aware Proxy

I would be sharing notes from my spike in enabling custom authentication for open source feature flag software named Unleash.

Since we are internally using Google Identity Aware Proxy (IAP) in our organization, we gonna need to perform some verification to ensure that the JWT token generated on IAP is valid when it receives the backend service. Google provides documentation on how we can secure our app with its signed header. What you will be seeing on this note later on is how we use google google-auth-library npm package to do verification required for user authentication in Unleash server.

If we decided to use unleash custom authentication, we will need to build our custom unleash server, package and build it as docker image (if necessary), and do the deployment by ourself. To provide custom authentication, we are going to specify the custom auth handler by providing it to authentication.customAuthHandler. For more detail, read Implementing Custom Authentication

import unleash, { IAuthType, LogLevel} from 'unleash-server';
import { googleIapAuthentication } from './google-iap';

export function start(): void {
      authentication: {
        type: IAuthType.CUSTOM,
        customAuthHandler: googleIapAuthentication,
    .then((unleash: any) => {`Unleash started on http://localhost:${'port')}`);      


IAP will always sends HTTP header with key x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion when forwarding request to the backend service. We will use this to verify whether this JWT token is valid by using google-auth-library.

In order to verify, you will need to provide:

Here is how we verify the JWT sent by Google IAP.

import { Response, NextFunction, Express } from 'express';
import { OAuth2Client, LoginTicket } from "google-auth-library"
import config from './config';

export const verify = async (iapJwt: string): Promise<LoginTicket> => {  
  const oAuth2Client = new OAuth2Client()  
  const response = await oAuth2Client.getIapPublicKeys()
  const ticket: LoginTicket = await oAuth2Client.verifySignedJwtWithCertsAsync(
    "/projects/xxxx/global/backendServices/yyyyyyy", // IAP Target Audience
  return ticket

When writing custom authentication, you can decide about what to do for any particular route by providing nodejs middleware. In my case, I’m protecting all routes with prefix /api/admin with Google IAP. Other route such as /health which is meant for health check is not protected since it might be used internally by kubernetes service to perform health check in the cluster.

Once the JWT is verified, we are going to read the email from JWT payload and use userService.loginUserWithoutPassword() method to sign the user in. This method is provided by the services passed as parameters on the custom auth handler signature. Once we get the user, we simply add the user into the request session so that it can be used later by the handler to perform authorization and others.

export const googleIapAuthentication = (app: Express, config, services) => {
  const { userService } = services;

  app.use('/health', async (req: any, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
    return next();

  app.use('/api/admin', async (req: any, res: Response, next: NextFunction) => {
    const iapJwt: string = req.headers['x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion'] ? req.headers['x-goog-iap-jwt-assertion']?.toString() : ''
    try {
      let ticket = await verify(iapJwt);
      const userEmail: string | undefined = ticket.getPayload()?.email;
      if (!userEmail) {
        throw new Error("access denied")
      const user = await userService.loginUserWithoutPassword(userEmail!, true);
      req.user = user;
      req.session.user = user;
      return next();
    } catch(error) {
      return res.status(401).send("access denied");

That’s it. Thanks for reading my first note about javascript/typescript! lol

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