Imre Nagi

Vault for rotating database credentials

Vault is a powerful tool for managing secrets. It can be used to manage secrets for applications, infrastructure, and even databases. Here I will share some notes from my exploration about how we can use vault for managing database credentials used by applications.

Key important requirements to me when it comes to managing secret for application is:

In this case, I will take redis as example. The same concept can be applied to other databases as well (e.g. postgresql).

We have this docker-compose.yml which will create a new redis container:

version: '3.9'
    image: bitnami/redis:7.0
      - REDIS_PASSWORD=adminpassword
      - redis_data:/bitnami
      - "6379:6379"

The docker compose above will create default redis user with password adminpassword. However, redis has its own ACL system which can be used to manage access to redis. It is possible to create user with limited access to specific database and do more granular acl for users. For more, you can read here.

Vault Database Engine

You can refer to the official documentation on how to do this by using vault cli here. However, I will show you how to do this using terraform.

To start, we should start with creating a new mount for redis database engine. This secret mount can be used to store all redis instances which will be managed by vault. For instance, I want to group all redis instances deployed on my gcp project named imrenagicom. I can create a new mount named redis-imrenagicom.

resource "vault_mount" "redis_secret_mount" {
  path = "redis-imrenagicom" 
  type = "database"

Then I should create a new connection to redis instance. This connection will be used by vault to connect to redis instance. However, before we can do this, we should create a root user for vault. This is not the user which will be used by application. This is just a user which will be used by vault to manage user, rotate credentials, etc. We actually can use default user with password adminpassword created by redis docker container earlier, but assuming that we want to create new dedicated user for vault named vault and initial password vault.

redis-cli ACL SETUSER vault on >vault ~* &* +@all

Then to create redis connection, we use this:

resource "vault_database_secret_backend_connection" "redis_testing" {
  backend       = vault_mount.redis_secret_mount.path
  name          = "ticketing-service-cache"
  plugin_name   = "redis-database-plugin"
  allowed_roles = [
  redis {
    host      = ""
    port      = 6379
    username  = "vault"
    password  = "vault"
    tls       = false

The resource above creates a new vault backend connection named ticketing-service-cache with some credential information for redis. The allowed_roles is used to define which roles can be used by this connection. In this case, I have two roles named admin-role and ticketing-app-role. This allowed_roles is a bit confusing to me at first. Turned out, this is the vault role that can use within this backend connection. More on this later.

Once we have this, we can choose whether we want to rotate the root credentials. When the credential is rotated, initial vault password can’t be used anymore and only vault which know the new password. To do this, we can use this command:

$ vault write redis-imrenagicom/rotate-root/ticketing-service-cache

In vault, we can either create dynamic secret or static secret. Dynamic secret can be used to create new credential for each request to vault. On the other hand, static secret can be used to managed existing redis user. Both secret can be configured with limited ttl and rotation period.

Let’s start with static secret first. We will create another redis user which will be used by the application to connect to redis. This user name is jokowi with initial password gibrananakkusayang. This user will set all access to all keys and pub/sub channel.

redis-cli ACL SETUSER jokowi on >gibrananakkusayang ~* &* +@all

Once we have this, we will define a new backend static role to manage this user. In addition, we also configure the rotation period to 30d. This means that vault will rotate the password for this user every 30 days. Please note that after rotation, user scope will stay the same. This means that the user will still have access to all keys and pub/sub channel.

resource "vault_database_secret_backend_static_role" "period_role" {
  backend             = vault_mount.redis_secret_mount.path
  name                = "ticketing-app-role"
  db_name             =
  username            = "jokowi"
  rotation_period     = "30d"

Once this role is applied, we can read the credential for this user by using this command:

$ vault read redis-imrenagicom/static-creds/ticketing-app-role

Key                    Value
---                    -----
last_vault_rotation    2023-12-11T10:39:49.647822-06:00
password               ylKNgqa3NPVAioBf-0S5
rotation_period        30d
ttl                    4m39s
username               jokowi

Okay now we have this credential automatically rotated. Now what we can do to ensure this credential gets updated to the application when it is rotated?

Synchronizing Vault secret to application

This really depends on how you deploy your application and how your application use the secret.

In general, if you are running your application on a VM, you can use Vault SDK to retrieve the credentials or use Vault agent to write the credential to a file. You can use Vault SDK to load all required secret during application startup or load it lazily when the secret is needed. You can also use Vault agent to write the credential to a file and then read it from your application. Vault agent has capability to update the secret stored in a file when it detects secret change/rotation. However, please remember that if you only read the secret during the startup time, you still need to restart the application to ensure that the new credential is used.

This approach makes sense if you have longer rotation period because you don’t need to restart the application frequently. If the rotation period is shorter, you might want to setup scheduler to restart the application once the secret is rotated and this seems like adding unnecessarily complexity at least to me.

When it comes to kubernetes, at least there are two possible approach that we can choose from. First is by using Vault agent injector and the second is by using Vault Secret Operator (available only after Vault 1.13.x). The nice thing about these approach is that the application becomes unaware of Vault SDK since both approach will inject the secret to the application either as environment variable or as a file.

The difference between these two approach is that Vault agent injector will create a new init and sidecar container which will be used to retrieve the secret from vault and then inject it to the application container. On the other hand, Vault Secret Operator will run custom resource controller watching CRD which configures how secret from vault can be synchronized to native kubernetes secret.

Vault Agent Injector



Vault Secret Operator



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