Imre Nagi


Vault for rotating database credentials
How to use vault to manage database credentials
Thinking about API
How I think about designing API
Reversed Assertion
Testing the opposite of the expected behavior
Setting Up Jumphost with Wireguard
How to setup VPN machine with Wireguard as jumphost for connecting to services within private network in Cloud
Comparing alternatives for working with repository pattern
Critisizing the approach of using pure function when defining repository in Go
Unleash custom authentication with Google Identity Aware Proxy
Writing custom authentication for Unleash server using Google Identity Aware Proxy.
Refactoring: Thinking About Problem Domain
How to code better by thinking about the problem domain
Better Error Wrapping
Additional notes about writing and handling error in Go
Notes on How I Work with Error in Go
This writing is just a note that I want to use to record my lesson learned in writing and handling error in Go
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