Here is the outline of the materials that you going to learn in this bootcamp. They will be covered in the form or write-up, lab/challenge, and a final challenge in each subtopic (e.g. logging, metrics, tracing).
- Introduction to Grafana
- Grafana setup
- Introduction to logging
- Structured logging
- Log correlation
- Log output (files, stdout, etc.)
- Logging with Go and Zerolog + [Lab/Challenges]
- Introduction to log collector agent and Fluentbit
- Collecting logs files with Fluentbit + [Lab/Challenges]
- Collecting container logs with Fluentbit + [Lab/Challenges]
- Introduction to Grafana Loki
- Grafana Loki setup + [Lab/Challenges]
- Sending logs to Grafana Loki + [Lab/Challenges]
- Querying logs in Grafana Loki with LogQL
- [Final Logging Challenges]: Monitoring gRPC service and databases with logs and logs metrics
- Introduction to system service monitoring
- Introduction to Prometheus
- Prometheus setup + [Lab/Challenges]
- Prometheus metric types
- Prometheus basic query + [Lab/Challenges]
- Using pre-built dashboards to Grafana + [Lab/Challenges]
- Prometheus exporters
- Monitor container metrics + [Lab/Challenges]
- Instrumenting Go application with Prometheus + [Lab/Challenges]
- Introduction to OpenTelemetry
- Collecting metrics with OpenTelemetry + [Lab/Challenges]
- OpenTelemetry automatic instrumentation + [Lab/Challenges]
- [Final Metric Challenges]: Monitoring gRPC service and databases with metrics
- Introduction to tracing
- Introduction and setting up Jaeger + [Lab/Challenges]
- Collecting trace with OpenTelemetry Part 1 + [Lab/Challenges]
- Collecting trace with OpenTelemetry Part 2 + [Lab/Challenges]
- Tracing context propagation + [Lab/Challenges]
- [Final Tracing Challenges]: Enabling tracing for gRPC service and databases with traces